Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Some thoughts written by Madeleine S.

I stand here now, still at the kitchen sinkthe belly of my dress wet and stinkingthis running faucet of wordsrunning out of my mouth,the choking generations of daughtersspitting both privilege and bitternessfrom their mothers' broken cups -Jacqueline St. Joan

Fuck it.
I am frustrated. Why is it that I am deemed responsible for laundry, cooking, sweeping, making beds, and all the other unbelievably mundane household tasks just because I am the only one in the house with a vagina?

Why is it that no matter how many hours I work, or how much income I bring into a household, the housekeeping will fall to me? Sometimes being a woman makes me so angry.You can have all the marches, all the protests, all the job action you want. And every morning you can leave the house you paid for, get into the car you paid for, go to your corporate job in your hot little three piece suit, fierce three inch heels, confidently walking that tightrope between sexy and powerful, you can earn the same, work the same, date the same as men but ultimately it comes down to the dirty dishes.

It comes down to the fact that at some point, you will have to choose between a career and a child. You will have to choose a role rather than being allowed to play two, as men are. And at the end of the day when you return from that high powered corporate job, with your pedicured feet aching from those fierce little heels, there will be dinner to make. Laundry to do. A house to keep.Ultimately being a working woman just means taking on a second full time job. Because we've all grown up with mothers and sisters that cleared the table as the rest sat and talked politics. We've had our lunches made and laundry folded and heads patted as we're told to run along, and as we grow up, the girls are taught to do these things for ourselves. We do laundry and clean house and iron a shirt. Were you guys just never taught? Do mothers never take their sons into the laundry room and show them the knobs to turn, the right amount of detergent to add? Because I KNOW you can do it! I've seen you!I don't GET it! What is the problem here?

I don't go on these quasi-feminist rants very often, but its infuriating to see someone you've dated for almost four years come through the door and say "What's for dinner?" or expect that things will simply get done when they need to. Or believe that I actually enjoy doing these chores, simply because I do them.

I don't know any man that would deny that women should be treated as equals. None of them would campaign to have our right to vote taken away, or that the decision to regard us as persons be repealed. But, Every. Single. One. of the men I have known expects on some level to have their meals cooked, shirts ironed and house cleaned by the woman in their life.Sometimes it seems like all this talk of equality is a fucking farce. Because we all know that a happy woman is a happy wife and a happy mother- and maybe us earning 75 cents for every dollar a man earns is worth it if it shuts us up long enough to get your dinner on the table by the time you get home.

I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat, or a prostitute.-Rebecca West

By Madeleine.


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